# LLM Prompt for Documentation ## Documentation ### Cmd #### Cmd **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents a command to be executed in a child process. #### Output **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents the output of a command. #### new **Type Annotation** ```roc Str -> Cmd ``` **Description** Create a new command to execute the given program in a child process. #### arg **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd, Str -> Cmd ``` **Description** Add a single argument to the command. ! Shell features like variable subsitition (e.g. `$FOO`), glob patterns (e.g. `*.txt`), ... are not available. ``` # Represent the command "ls -l" Cmd.new "ls" |> Cmd.arg "-l" ``` #### args **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd, List Str -> Cmd ``` **Description** Add multiple arguments to the command. ! Shell features like variable subsitition (e.g. `$FOO`), glob patterns (e.g. `*.txt`), ... are not available. ``` # Represent the command "ls -l -a" Cmd.new "ls" |> Cmd.args ["-l", "-a"] ``` #### env **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd, Str, Str -> Cmd ``` **Description** Add a single environment variable to the command. ``` # Run "env" and add the environment variable "FOO" with value "BAR" Cmd.new "env" |> Cmd.env "FOO" "BAR" ``` #### envs **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd, List ( Str, Str ) -> Cmd ``` **Description** Add multiple environment variables to the command. ``` # Run "env" and add the variables "FOO" and "BAZ" Cmd.new "env" |> Cmd.envs [("FOO", "BAR"), ("BAZ", "DUCK")] ``` #### clear_envs **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd -> Cmd ``` **Description** Clear all environment variables, and prevent inheriting from parent, only the environment variables provided to command are available to the child. ``` # Represents "env" with only "FOO" environment variable set Cmd.new "env" |> Cmd.clear_envs |> Cmd.env "FOO" "BAR" ``` #### output! **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd => Output ``` **Description** Execute command and capture stdout and stderr > Stdin is not inherited from the parent and any attempt by the child process > to read from the stdin stream will result in the stream immediately closing. #### status! **Type Annotation** ```roc Cmd => Result I32 [CmdStatusErr InternalIOErr.IOErr] ``` **Description** Execute command and inherit stdin, stdout and stderr from parent #### exec! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str, List Str => Result {} [CmdStatusErr InternalIOErr.IOErr] ``` **Description** Execute command and inherit stdin, stdout and stderr from parent ``` # Call echo to print "hello world" Cmd.exec! "echo" ["hello world"] ``` ### Dir #### IOErr **Type Annotation** **Description** Tag union of possible errors when reading and writing a file or directory. > This is the same as [`File.IOErr`](File#IOErr). #### DirEntry **Type Annotation** ```roc Path.DirEntry ``` **Description** Record which represents a directory > This is the same as [`Path.DirEntry`](Path#DirEntry). #### list! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result (List Path) [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Lists the files and directories inside the directory. > [Path.list_dir!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### delete_empty! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Deletes a directory if it's empty This may fail if: - the path doesn't exist - the path is not a directory - the directory is not empty - the user lacks permission to remove the directory. > [Path.delete_empty!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### delete_all! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Recursively deletes the directory as well as all files and directories inside it. This may fail if: - the path doesn't exist - the path is not a directory - the directory is not empty - the user lacks permission to remove the directory. > [Path.delete_all!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### create! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Creates a directory This may fail if: - a parent directory does not exist - the user lacks permission to create a directory there - the path already exists. > [Path.create_dir!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### create_all! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Creates a directory recursively adding any missing parent directories. This may fail if: - the user lacks permission to create a directory there - the path already exists > [Path.create_all!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. ### Env #### cwd! **Type Annotation** ```roc {} => Result Path [CwdUnavailable] ``` **Description** Reads the [current working directory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_directory) from the environment. File operations on relative [Path]s are relative to this directory. #### set_cwd! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [InvalidCwd] ``` **Description** Sets the [current working directory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_directory) in the environment. After changing it, file operations on relative [Path]s will be relative to this directory. #### exe_path! **Type Annotation** ```roc {} => Result Path [ExePathUnavailable] ``` **Description** Gets the path to the currently-running executable. #### var! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Str [VarNotFound] ``` **Description** Reads the given environment variable. If the value is invalid Unicode, the invalid parts will be replaced with the [Unicode replacement character](https://unicode.org/glossary/#replacement_character) ('�'). #### decode! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result val [ VarNotFound, DecodeErr DecodeError ] where val implements Decoding ``` **Description** Reads the given environment variable and attempts to decode it. The type being decoded into will be determined by type inference. For example, if this ends up being used like a `Task U16 _` then the environment variable will be decoded as a string representation of a `U16`. Trying to decode into any other type will fail with a `DecodeErr`. Supported types include; - Strings, - Numbers, as long as they contain only numeric digits, up to one `.`, and an optional `-` at the front for negative numbers, and - Comma-separated lists (of either strings or numbers), as long as there are no spaces after the commas. For example, consider we want to decode the environment variable `NUM_THINGS`; ``` # Reads "NUM_THINGS" and decodes into a U16 getU16Var : Str -> Task U16 [VarNotFound, DecodeErr DecodeError] [Read [Env]] getU16Var = \var -> Env.decode! var ``` If `NUM_THINGS=123` then `getU16Var` succeeds with the value of `123u16`. However if `NUM_THINGS=123456789`, then `getU16Var` will fail with [DecodeErr](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Decode#DecodeError) because `123456789` is too large to fit in a [U16](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Num#U16). #### dict! **Type Annotation** ```roc {} => Dict Str Str ``` **Description** Reads all the process's environment variables into a [Dict]. If any key or value contains invalid Unicode, the [Unicode replacement character](https://unicode.org/glossary/#replacement_character) will be used in place of any parts of keys or values that are invalid Unicode. #### platform! **Type Annotation** ```roc {} => { arch : ARCH, os : OS } ``` **Description** Returns the current Achitecture and Operating System. `ARCH : [X86, X64, ARM, AARCH64, OTHER Str]` `OS : [LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS, OTHER Str]` Note these values are constants from when the platform is built. #### temp_dir! **Type Annotation** ```roc {} => Path ``` **Description** This uses rust's [`std::env::temp_dir()`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/env/fn.temp_dir.html) !! From the Rust documentation: The temporary directory may be shared among users, or between processes with different privileges; thus, the creation of any files or directories in the temporary directory must use a secure method to create a uniquely named file. Creating a file or directory with a fixed or predictable name may result in “insecure temporary file” security vulnerabilities. ### File #### IOErr **Type Annotation** **Description** Tag union of possible errors when reading and writing a file or directory. **NotFound** - An entity was not found, often a file. **PermissionDenied** - The operation lacked the necessary privileges to complete. **BrokenPipe** - The operation failed because a pipe was closed. **AlreadyExists** - An entity already exists, often a file. **Interrupted** - This operation was interrupted. Interrupted operations can typically be retried. **Unsupported** - This operation is unsupported on this platform. This means that the operation can never succeed. **OutOfMemory** - An operation could not be completed, because it failed to allocate enough memory. **Other** - A custom error that does not fall under any other I/O error kind. #### write! **Type Annotation** ```roc val, Str, fmt => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] where val implements Encoding, fmt implements EncoderFormatting ``` **Description** Write data to a file. First encode a `val` using a given `fmt` which implements the ability [Encode.EncoderFormatting](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Encode#EncoderFormatting). For example, suppose you have a `Json.toCompactUtf8` which implements [Encode.EncoderFormatting](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Encode#EncoderFormatting). You can use this to write [JSON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON) data to a file like this: ``` # Writes `{"some":"json stuff"}` to the file `output.json`: File.write! { some: "json stuff" } (Path.from_str "output.json") Json.toCompactUtf8 ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. If writing to the file fails, for example because of a file permissions issue, the task fails with [WriteErr]. > To write unformatted bytes to a file, you can use [File.write_bytes!] instead. > > [Path.write!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### write_bytes! **Type Annotation** ```roc List U8, Str => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Writes bytes to a file. ``` # Writes the bytes 1, 2, 3 to the file `myfile.dat`. File.write_bytes! [1, 2, 3] (Path.from_str "myfile.dat") ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. > To format data before writing it to a file, you can use [File.write!] instead. > > [Path.write_bytes!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### write_utf8! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str, Str => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Writes a [Str] to a file, encoded as [UTF-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8). ``` # Writes "Hello!" encoded as UTF-8 to the file `myfile.txt`. File.write_utf8! "Hello!" "myfile.txt" ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. > To write unformatted bytes to a file, you can use [File.write_bytes!] instead. > > [Path.write_utf8!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### delete! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Deletes a file from the filesystem. Performs a [`DeleteFile`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-deletefile) on Windows and [`unlink`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlink_(Unix)) on UNIX systems. On Windows, this will fail when attempting to delete a readonly file; the file's readonly permission must be disabled before it can be successfully deleted. ``` # Deletes the file named `myfile.dat` File.delete! (Path.from_str "myfile.dat") [1, 2, 3] ``` > This does not securely erase the file's contents from disk; instead, the operating system marks the space it was occupying as safe to write over in the future. Also, the operating system may not immediately mark the space as free; for example, on Windows it will wait until the last file handle to it is closed, and on UNIX, it will not remove it until the last [hard link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link) to it has been deleted. > > [Path.delete!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### read_bytes! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result (List U8) [FileReadErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Reads all the bytes in a file. ``` # Read all the bytes in `myfile.txt`. File.read_bytes! "myfile.txt" ``` This opens the file first and closes it after reading its contents. > To read and decode data from a file, you can use `File.read` instead. > > [Path.read_bytes!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### read_utf8! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Str [ FileReadErr Path IOErr, FileReadUtf8Err Path ] ``` **Description** Reads a [Str] from a file containing [UTF-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8)-encoded text. ``` # Reads UTF-8 encoded text into a Str from the file "myfile.txt" File.read_utf8! "myfile.txt" ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. The task will fail with `FileReadUtf8Err` if the given file contains invalid UTF-8. > To read unformatted bytes from a file, you can use [File.read_bytes!] instead. > [Path.read_utf8!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### hard_link! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [LinkErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Creates a new hard link on the filesystem. The link path will be a link pointing to the original path. Note that systems often require these two paths to both be located on the same filesystem. This uses [rust's std::fs::hard_link](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/fn.hard_link.html). > [Path.hard_link!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### is_dir! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Bool [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Returns True if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a directory. Returns False if the path exists and it is not a directory. If the path does not exist, this function will return `Err (PathErr PathDoesNotExist)`. This uses [rust's std::path::is_dir](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_dir). > [Path.is_dir!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### is_file! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Bool [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Returns True if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a regular file. Returns False if the path exists and it is not a file. If the path does not exist, this function will return `Err (PathErr PathDoesNotExist)`. This uses [rust's std::path::is_file](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_file). > [Path.is_file!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### is_sym_link! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Bool [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Returns True if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a symbolic link. Returns False if the path exists and it is not a symbolic link. If the path does not exist, this function will return `Err (PathErr PathDoesNotExist)`. This uses [rust's std::path::is_symlink](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_symlink). > [Path.is_sym_link!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### type! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result [ IsFile, IsDir, IsSymLink ] [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Return the type of the path if the path exists on disk. This uses [rust's std::path::is_symlink](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_symlink). > [Path.type!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Path] instead of a [Str]. #### Reader **Type Annotation** #### open_reader! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Reader [GetFileReadErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Try to open a `File.Reader` for buffered (= part by part) reading given a path string. See [examples/file-read-buffered.roc](https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/blob/main/examples/file-read-buffered.roc) for example usage. This uses [rust's std::io::BufReader](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/struct.BufReader.html). Use [read_utf8!] if you want to get the entire file contents at once. #### open_reader_with_capacity! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str, U64 => Result Reader [GetFileReadErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Try to open a `File.Reader` for buffered (= part by part) reading given a path string. The buffer will be created with the specified capacity. See [examples/file-read-buffered.roc](https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/blob/main/examples/file-read-buffered.roc) for example usage. This uses [rust's std::io::BufReader](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/struct.BufReader.html). Use [read_utf8!] if you want to get the entire file contents at once. #### read_line! **Type Annotation** ```roc Reader => Result (List U8) [FileReadErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Try to read a line from a file given a Reader. The line will be provided as the list of bytes (`List U8`) until a newline (`0xA` byte). This list will be empty when we reached the end of the file. See [examples/file-read-buffered.roc](https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/blob/main/examples/file-read-buffered.roc) for example usage. This uses [rust's `BufRead::read_line`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.BufRead.html#method.read_line). Use [read_utf8!] if you want to get the entire file contents at once. ### FileMetadata #### FileMetadata **Type Annotation** **Description** An opaque type that represents metadata about a file. #### bytes **Type Annotation** ```roc FileMetadata -> U64 ``` **Description** Returns the number of bytes in the associated file. #### is_readonly **Type Annotation** ```roc FileMetadata -> Bool ``` **Description** Returns [Bool.true] if the associated file is read-only. #### type **Type Annotation** ```roc FileMetadata -> [ File, Dir, Symlink ] ``` **Description** Returns the type of the associated file. #### mode **Type Annotation** ```roc FileMetadata -> [ Unix U32, NonUnix ] ``` **Description** Returns the mode of the associated file. ### Http #### Method **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents an HTTP method. #### Header **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents an HTTP header e.g. `Content-Type: application/json` #### Request **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents an HTTP request. #### Response **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents an HTTP response. #### default_request **Type Annotation** ```roc Request ``` **Description** A default [Request] value. ``` # GET "roc-lang.org" { Http.default_request & url: "https://www.roc-lang.org", } ``` #### header **Type Annotation** ```roc ( Str, Str ) -> Header ``` **Description** An HTTP header for configuring requests. See common headers [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields). #### send! **Type Annotation** ```roc Request => Response ``` **Description** Send an HTTP request, succeeds with a value of [Str] or fails with an [Err]. ``` # Prints out the HTML of the Roc-lang website. response = { Http.default_request & url: "https://www.roc-lang.org" } |> Http.send! response.body |> Str.fromUtf8 |> Result.withDefault "Invalid UTF-8" |> Stdout.line ``` #### get! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str, fmt => Result body [HttpDecodingFailed] where body implements Decoding, fmt implements DecoderFormatting ``` **Description** Try to perform an HTTP get request and convert (decode) the received bytes into a Roc type. Very useful for working with Json. ``` import json.Json # On the server side we send `Encode.toBytes {foo: "Hello Json!"} Json.utf8` { foo } = Http.get! "http://localhost:8000" Json.utf8 ``` #### get_utf8! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result Str [BadBody Str] ``` ### MultipartFormData #### FormData **Type Annotation** #### parse_form_url_encoded **Type Annotation** ```roc List U8 -> Result (Dict Str Str) [BadUtf8] ``` **Description** Parse URL-encoded form values (`todo=foo&status=bar`) into a Dict (`("todo", "foo"), ("status", "bar")`). ``` expect bytes = Str.toUtf8 "todo=foo&status=bar" parsed = parse_form_url_encoded bytes |> Result.withDefault (Dict.empty {}) Dict.toList parsed == [("todo", "foo"), ("status", "bar")] ``` #### parse_multipart_form_data **Type Annotation** ```roc { headers : List InternalHttp.Header, body : List U8 } -> Result (List MultipartFormData.FormData) [ InvalidMultipartFormData, ExpectedContentTypeHeader, InvalidContentTypeHeader ] ``` **Description** For HTML forms that include files or large amounts of text. See usage in examples/file-upload-form.roc #### decode_multipart_form_data_boundary **Type Annotation** ```roc List { name : Str, value : Str } -> Result (List U8) ``` ### Path #### Path **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents a path to a file or directory on the filesystem. #### DirEntry **Type Annotation** **Description** Record which represents a directory > This is the same as [`Dir.DirEntry`](Dir#DirEntry). #### IOErr **Type Annotation** **Description** Tag union of possible errors when reading and writing a file or directory. > This is the same as [`File.Err`](File#Err). #### write! **Type Annotation** ```roc val, Path, fmt => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] where val implements Encoding, fmt implements EncoderFormatting ``` **Description** Write data to a file. First encode a `val` using a given `fmt` which implements the ability [Encode.EncoderFormatting](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Encode#EncoderFormatting). For example, suppose you have a `Json.toCompactUtf8` which implements [Encode.EncoderFormatting](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Encode#EncoderFormatting). You can use this to write [JSON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON) data to a file like this: ``` # Writes `{"some":"json stuff"}` to the file `output.json`: Path.write! { some: "json stuff" } (Path.from_str "output.json") Json.toCompactUtf8 ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. If writing to the file fails, for example because of a file permissions issue, the task fails with [WriteErr]. > To write unformatted bytes to a file, you can use [Path.write_bytes!] instead. #### write_bytes! **Type Annotation** ```roc List U8, Path => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Writes bytes to a file. ``` # Writes the bytes 1, 2, 3 to the file `myfile.dat`. Path.write_bytes! [1, 2, 3] (Path.from_str "myfile.dat") ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. > To format data before writing it to a file, you can use [Path.write!] instead. #### write_utf8! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str, Path => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Writes a [Str] to a file, encoded as [UTF-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8). ``` # Writes "Hello!" encoded as UTF-8 to the file `myfile.txt`. Path.write_utf8! "Hello!" (Path.from_str "myfile.txt") ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. > To write unformatted bytes to a file, you can use [Path.write_bytes!] instead. #### from_str **Type Annotation** ```roc Str -> Path ``` **Description** Note that the path may not be valid depending on the filesystem where it is used. For example, paths containing `:` are valid on ext4 and NTFS filesystems, but not on FAT ones. So if you have multiple disks on the same machine, but they have different filesystems, then this path could be valid on one but invalid on another! It's safest to assume paths are invalid (even syntactically) until given to an operation which uses them to open a file. If that operation succeeds, then the path was valid (at the time). Otherwise, error handling can happen for that operation rather than validating up front for a false sense of security (given symlinks, parts of a path being renamed, etc.). #### from_bytes **Type Annotation** ```roc List U8 -> Path ``` **Description** Not all filesystems use Unicode paths. This function can be used to create a path which is not valid Unicode (like a [Str] is), but which is valid for a particular filesystem. Note that if the list contains any `0` bytes, sending this path to any file operations (e.g. `Path.read_bytes` or `WriteStream.openPath`) will fail. #### display **Type Annotation** ```roc Path -> Str ``` **Description** Unfortunately, operating system paths do not include information about which charset they were originally encoded with. It's most common (but not guaranteed) that they will have been encoded with the same charset as the operating system's curent locale (which typically does not change after it is set during installation of the OS), so this should convert a [Path] to a valid string as long as the path was created with the given `Charset`. (Use `Env.charset` to get the current system charset.) For a conversion to [Str] that is lossy but does not return a [Result], see [display]. toInner : Path -> [Str Str, Bytes (List U8)] Assumes a path is encoded as [UTF-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8), and converts it to a string using `Str.display`. This conversion is lossy because the path may contain invalid UTF-8 bytes. If that happens, any invalid bytes will be replaced with the [Unicode replacement character](https://unicode.org/glossary/#replacement_character) instead of returning an error. As such, it's rarely a good idea to use the [Str] returned by this function for any purpose other than displaying it to a user. When you don't know for sure what a path's encoding is, UTF-8 is a popular guess because it's the default on UNIX and also is the encoding used in Roc strings. This platform also automatically runs applications under the [UTF-8 code page](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/globalizing/use-utf8-code-page) on Windows. Converting paths to strings can be an unreliable operation, because operating systems don't record the paths' encodings. This means it's possible for the path to have been encoded with a different character set than UTF-8 even if UTF-8 is the system default, which means when [display] converts them to a string, the string may include gibberish. [Here is an example.](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/667652/can-a-file-path-be-invalid-utf-8/667863#667863) If you happen to know the `Charset` that was used to encode the path, you can use `toStrUsingCharset` instead of [display]. #### is_dir! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result Bool [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a directory. Returns `Task.ok false` if the path exists and it is not a directory. If the path does not exist, this function will return `Task.err PathErr PathDoesNotExist`. This uses [rust's std::path::is_dir](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_dir). > [`File.is_dir`](File#is_dir!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### is_file! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result Bool [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a regular file. Returns `Task.ok false` if the path exists and it is not a file. If the path does not exist, this function will return `Task.err PathErr PathDoesNotExist`. This uses [rust's std::path::is_file](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_file). > [`File.is_file`](File#is_file!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### is_sym_link! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result Bool [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a symbolic link. Returns `Task.ok false` if the path exists and it is not a symbolic link. If the path does not exist, this function will return `Task.err PathErr PathDoesNotExist`. This uses [rust's std::path::is_symlink](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.is_symlink). > [`File.is_sym_link`](File#is_sym_link!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### type! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result [ IsFile, IsDir, IsSymLink ] [PathErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Return the type of the path if the path exists on disk. > [`File.type`](File#type!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### with_extension **Type Annotation** ```roc Path, Str -> Path ``` **Description** If the last component of this path has no `.`, appends `.` followed by the given string. Otherwise, replaces everything after the last `.` with the given string. ``` # Each of these gives "foo/bar/baz.txt" Path.from_str "foo/bar/baz" |> Path.with_extension "txt" Path.from_str "foo/bar/baz." |> Path.with_extension "txt" Path.from_str "foo/bar/baz.xz" |> Path.with_extension "txt" ``` #### delete! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [FileWriteErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Deletes a file from the filesystem. Performs a [`DeleteFile`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-deletefile) on Windows and [`unlink`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlink_(Unix)) on UNIX systems. On Windows, this will fail when attempting to delete a readonly file; the file's readonly permission must be disabled before it can be successfully deleted. ``` # Deletes the file named `myfile.dat` Path.delete (Path.from_str "myfile.dat") [1, 2, 3] ``` > This does not securely erase the file's contents from disk; instead, the operating system marks the space it was occupying as safe to write over in the future. Also, the operating system may not immediately mark the space as free; for example, on Windows it will wait until the last file handle to it is closed, and on UNIX, it will not remove it until the last [hard link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link) to it has been deleted. > [`File.delete`](File#delete!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### read_utf8! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result Str [ FileReadErr Path IOErr, FileReadUtf8Err Path ] ``` **Description** Reads a [Str] from a file containing [UTF-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8)-encoded text. ``` # Reads UTF-8 encoded text into a Str from the file "myfile.txt" Path.read_utf8 (Path.from_str "myfile.txt") ``` This opens the file first and closes it after writing to it. The task will fail with `FileReadUtf8Err` if the given file contains invalid UTF-8. > To read unformatted bytes from a file, you can use [Path.read_bytes!] instead. > > [`File.read_utf8`](File#read_utf8!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### read_bytes! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result (List U8) [FileReadErr Path IOErr] ``` **Description** Reads all the bytes in a file. ``` # Read all the bytes in `myfile.txt`. Path.read_bytes! (Path.from_str "myfile.txt") ``` This opens the file first and closes it after reading its contents. > To read and decode data from a file, you can use `Path.read` instead. > > [`File.read_bytes`](File#read_bytes!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### list_dir! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result (List Path) [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Lists the files and directories inside the directory. > [`Dir.list`](Dir#list!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### delete_empty! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Deletes a directory if it's empty This may fail if: - the path doesn't exist - the path is not a directory - the directory is not empty - the user lacks permission to remove the directory. > [`Dir.delete_empty`](Dir#delete_empty!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### delete_all! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Recursively deletes a directory as well as all files and directories inside it. This may fail if: - the path doesn't exist - the path is not a directory - the directory is not empty - the user lacks permission to remove the directory. > [`Dir.delete_all`](Dir#delete_all!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### create_dir! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Creates a directory This may fail if: - a parent directory does not exist - the user lacks permission to create a directory there - the path already exists. > [`Dir.create`](Dir#create!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### create_all! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [DirErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Creates a directory recursively adding any missing parent directories. This may fail if: - the user lacks permission to create a directory there - the path already exists > [`Dir.create_all`](Dir#create_all!) does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. #### hard_link! **Type Annotation** ```roc Path => Result {} [LinkErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Creates a new hard link on the filesystem. The link path will be a link pointing to the original path. Note that systems often require these two paths to both be located on the same filesystem. This uses [rust's std::fs::hard_link](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/fn.hard_link.html). > [File.hard_link!] does the same thing, except it takes a [Str] instead of a [Path]. ### SQLite3 #### Value **Type Annotation** #### Code **Type Annotation** #### Error **Type Annotation** #### Binding **Type Annotation** #### execute! **Type Annotation** ```roc { path : Str, query : Str, bindings : List Binding } => Result (List (List InternalSQL.SQLiteValue)) Error ``` #### errToStr **Type Annotation** ```roc Error -> Str ``` ### Stderr #### IOErr **Type Annotation** **Description** **NotFound** - An entity was not found, often a file. **PermissionDenied** - The operation lacked the necessary privileges to complete. **BrokenPipe** - The operation failed because a pipe was closed. **AlreadyExists** - An entity already exists, often a file. **Interrupted** - This operation was interrupted. Interrupted operations can typically be retried. **Unsupported** - This operation is unsupported on this platform. This means that the operation can never succeed. **OutOfMemory** - An operation could not be completed, because it failed to allocate enough memory. **Other** - A custom error that does not fall under any other I/O error kind. #### line! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [StderrErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Write the given string to [standard error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_error_(stderr)), followed by a newline. > To write to `stderr` without the newline, see [Stderr.write!]. #### write! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [StderrErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Write the given string to [standard error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_error_(stderr)). Most terminals will not actually display strings that are written to them until they receive a newline, so this may appear to do nothing until you write a newline! > To write to `stderr` with a newline at the end, see [Stderr.line!]. ### Stdout #### IOErr **Type Annotation** **Description** **NotFound** - An entity was not found, often a file. **PermissionDenied** - The operation lacked the necessary privileges to complete. **BrokenPipe** - The operation failed because a pipe was closed. **AlreadyExists** - An entity already exists, often a file. **Interrupted** - This operation was interrupted. Interrupted operations can typically be retried. **Unsupported** - This operation is unsupported on this platform. This means that the operation can never succeed. **OutOfMemory** - An operation could not be completed, because it failed to allocate enough memory. **Other** - A custom error that does not fall under any other I/O error kind. #### line! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [StdoutErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Write the given string to [standard output](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_output_(stdout)), followed by a newline. > To write to `stdout` without the newline, see [Stdout.write!]. #### write! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => Result {} [StdoutErr IOErr] ``` **Description** Write the given string to [standard output](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_output_(stdout)). Note that many terminals will not actually display strings that are written to them until they receive a newline, so this may appear to do nothing until you write a newline! > To write to `stdout` with a newline at the end, see [Stdout.line!]. ### Tcp #### Stream **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents a TCP stream. #### ConnectErr **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents errors that can occur when connecting to a remote host. #### StreamErr **Type Annotation** **Description** Represents errors that can occur when performing a [Task] with a [Stream]. #### connect! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str, U16 => Result Stream ConnectErr ``` **Description** Opens a TCP connection to a remote host. ``` # Connect to localhost:8080 stream = Tcp.connect! "localhost" 8080 ``` The connection is automatically closed when the last reference to the stream is dropped. Examples of valid hostnames: - `` - `::1` - `localhost` - `roc-lang.org` #### read_up_to! **Type Annotation** ```roc Stream, U64 => Result (List U8) [TcpReadErr StreamErr] ``` **Description** Read up to a number of bytes from the TCP stream. ``` # Read up to 64 bytes from the stream and convert to a Str received = File.read_up_to! stream 64 Str.fromUtf8 received ``` > To read an exact number of bytes or fail, you can use [Tcp.read_exactly!] instead. #### read_exactly! **Type Annotation** ```roc Stream, U64 => Result (List U8) [ TcpReadErr StreamErr, TcpUnexpectedEOF ] ``` **Description** Read an exact number of bytes or fail. ``` bytes = File.read_exactly!? stream 64 ``` `TcpUnexpectedEOF` is returned if the stream ends before the specfied number of bytes is reached. #### read_until! **Type Annotation** ```roc Stream, U8 => Result (List U8) [TcpReadErr StreamErr] ``` **Description** Read until a delimiter or EOF is reached. ``` # Read until null terminator File.read_until! stream 0 ``` If found, the delimiter is included as the last byte. > To read until a newline is found, you can use [Tcp.read_line!] which conveniently decodes to a [Str]. #### read_line! **Type Annotation** ```roc Stream => Result Str [ TcpReadErr StreamErr, TcpReadBadUtf8 ] ``` **Description** Read until a newline or EOF is reached. ``` # Read a line and then print it to `stdout` lineStr = File.read_line! stream Stdout.line lineStr ``` If found, the newline is included as the last character in the [Str]. #### write! **Type Annotation** ```roc Stream, List U8 => Result {} [TcpWriteErr StreamErr] ``` **Description** Writes bytes to a TCP stream. ``` # Writes the bytes 1, 2, 3 Tcp.write!? stream [1, 2, 3] ``` > To write a [Str], you can use [Tcp.write_utf8!] instead. #### write_utf8! **Type Annotation** ```roc Stream, Str => Result {} [TcpWriteErr StreamErr] ``` **Description** Writes a [Str] to a TCP stream, encoded as [UTF-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8). ``` # Write "Hi from Roc!" encoded as UTF-8 Tcp.write_utf8! stream "Hi from Roc!" ``` > To write unformatted bytes, you can use [Tcp.write!] instead. #### connect_err_to_str **Type Annotation** ```roc ConnectErr -> Str ``` **Description** Convert a [ConnectErr] to a [Str] you can print. ``` when err is TcpPerfomErr (TcpConnectErr connectErr) -> Stderr.line (Tcp.connect_err_to_str connectErr) ``` #### stream_err_to_str **Type Annotation** ```roc StreamErr -> Str ``` **Description** Convert a [StreamErr] to a [Str] you can print. ``` when err is TcpPerformErr (TcpReadErr err) -> errStr = Tcp.stream_err_to_str err Stderr.line "Error while reading: $(errStr)" TcpPerformErr (TcpWriteErr err) -> errStr = Tcp.stream_err_to_str err Stderr.line "Error while writing: $(errStr)" ``` ### Url #### Url **Type Annotation** **Description** A [Uniform Resource Locator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL). It could be an absolute address, such as `https://roc-lang.org/authors` or a relative address, such as `/authors`. You can create one using [Url.from_str]. #### reserve **Type Annotation** ```roc Url, U64 -> Url ``` **Description** Reserve the given number of bytes as extra capacity. This can avoid reallocation when calling multiple functions that increase the length of the URL. The following example reserves 50 bytes, then builds the url `https://example.com/stuff?caf%C3%A9=du%20Monde&email=hi%40example.com`; ``` Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.reserve 50 |> Url.append "stuff" |> Url.append_param "café" "du Monde" |> Url.append_param "email" "hi@example.com" ``` The [Str.countUtf8Bytes](https://www.roc-lang.org/builtins/Str#countUtf8Bytes) function can be helpful in finding out how many bytes to reserve. There is no `Url.withCapacity` because it's better to reserve extra capacity on a [Str] first, and then pass that string to [Url.from_str]. This function will make use of the extra capacity. #### from_str **Type Annotation** ```roc Str -> Url ``` **Description** Create a [Url] without validating or [percent-encoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding) anything. ``` Url.from_str "https://example.com#stuff" ``` URLs can be absolute, like `https://example.com`, or they can be relative, like `/blah`. ``` Url.from_str "/this/is#relative" ``` Since nothing is validated, this can return invalid URLs. ``` Url.from_str "https://this is not a valid URL, not at all!" ``` Naturally, passing invalid URLs to functions that need valid ones will tend to result in errors. #### to_str **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Str ``` **Description** Return a [Str] representation of this URL. ``` # Gives "https://example.com/two%20words" Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.append "two words" |> Url.to_str ``` #### append **Type Annotation** ```roc Url, Str -> Url ``` **Description** [Percent-encodes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding) a [path component](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier#Syntax) and appends to the end of the URL's path. This will be appended before any queries and fragments. If the given path string begins with `/` and the URL already ends with `/`, one will be ignored. This avoids turning a single slash into a double slash. If either the given URL or the given string is empty, no `/` will be added. ``` # Gives https://example.com/some%20stuff Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.append "some stuff" # Gives https://example.com/stuff?search=blah#fragment Url.from_str "https://example.com?search=blah#fragment" |> Url.append "stuff" # Gives https://example.com/things/stuff/more/etc/" Url.from_str "https://example.com/things/" |> Url.append "/stuff/" |> Url.append "/more/etc/" # Gives https://example.com/things Url.from_str "https://example.com/things" |> Url.append "" ``` #### append_param **Type Annotation** ```roc Url, Str, Str -> Url ``` **Description** Adds a [Str] query parameter to the end of the [Url]. The key and value both get [percent-encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding). ``` # Gives https://example.com?email=someone%40example.com Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.append_param "email" "someone@example.com" ``` This can be called multiple times on the same URL. ``` # Gives https://example.com?caf%C3%A9=du%20Monde&email=hi%40example.com Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.append_param "café" "du Monde" |> Url.append_param "email" "hi@example.com" ``` #### with_query **Type Annotation** ```roc Url, Str -> Url ``` **Description** Replaces the URL's [query](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax)—the part after the `?`, if it has one, but before any `#` it might have. Passing `""` removes the `?` (if there was one). ``` # Gives https://example.com?newQuery=thisRightHere#stuff Url.from_str "https://example.com?key1=val1&key2=val2#stuff" |> Url.with_query "newQuery=thisRightHere" # Gives https://example.com#stuff Url.from_str "https://example.com?key1=val1&key2=val2#stuff" |> Url.with_query "" ``` #### query **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Str ``` **Description** Returns the URL's [query](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax)—the part after the `?`, if it has one, but before any `#` it might have. Returns `""` if the URL has no query. ``` # Gives "key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3" Url.from_str "https://example.com?key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3#stuff" |> Url.query # Gives "" Url.from_str "https://example.com#stuff" |> Url.query ``` #### has_query **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Bool ``` **Description** Returns [Bool.true] if the URL has a `?` in it. ``` # Gives Bool.true Url.from_str "https://example.com?key=value#stuff" |> Url.has_query # Gives Bool.false Url.from_str "https://example.com#stuff" |> Url.has_query ``` #### fragment **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Str ``` **Description** Returns the URL's [fragment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax)—the part after the `#`, if it has one. Returns `""` if the URL has no fragment. ``` # Gives "stuff" Url.from_str "https://example.com#stuff" |> Url.fragment # Gives "" Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.fragment ``` #### with_fragment **Type Annotation** ```roc Url, Str -> Url ``` **Description** Replaces the URL's [fragment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax). If the URL didn't have a fragment, adds one. Passing `""` removes the fragment. ``` # Gives https://example.com#things Url.from_str "https://example.com#stuff" |> Url.with_fragment "things" # Gives https://example.com#things Url.from_str "https://example.com" |> Url.with_fragment "things" # Gives https://example.com Url.from_str "https://example.com#stuff" |> Url.with_fragment "" ``` #### has_fragment **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Bool ``` **Description** Returns [Bool.true] if the URL has a `#` in it. ``` # Gives Bool.true Url.from_str "https://example.com?key=value#stuff" |> Url.has_fragment # Gives Bool.false Url.from_str "https://example.com?key=value" |> Url.has_fragment ``` #### query_params **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Dict Str Str ``` #### path **Type Annotation** ```roc Url -> Str ``` **Description** Returns the URL's [path](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax)—the part after the scheme and authority (e.g. `https://`) but before any `?` or `#` it might have. Returns `""` if the URL has no path. ``` # Gives "example.com/" Url.fromStr "https://example.com/?key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3#stuff" |> Url.path ``` ``` # Gives "/foo/" Url.fromStr "/foo/?key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3#stuff" |> Url.path ``` ### Utc #### Utc **Type Annotation** **Description** Stores a timestamp as nanoseconds since UNIX EPOCH #### now! **Type Annotation** ```roc {} => Utc ``` **Description** Duration since UNIX EPOCH #### to_millis_since_epoch **Type Annotation** ```roc Utc -> I128 ``` **Description** Convert Utc timestamp to milliseconds #### from_millis_since_epoch **Type Annotation** ```roc I128 -> Utc ``` **Description** Convert milliseconds to Utc timestamp #### to_nanos_since_epoch **Type Annotation** ```roc Utc -> I128 ``` **Description** Convert Utc timestamp to nanoseconds #### from_nanos_since_epoch **Type Annotation** ```roc I128 -> Utc ``` **Description** Convert nanoseconds to Utc timestamp #### delta_as_millis **Type Annotation** ```roc Utc, Utc -> U128 ``` **Description** Calculate milliseconds between two Utc timestamps #### delta_as_nanos **Type Annotation** ```roc Utc, Utc -> U128 ``` **Description** Calculate nanoseconds between two Utc timestamps #### to_iso_8601 **Type Annotation** ```roc Utc -> Str ``` **Description** Convert Utc timestamp to ISO 8601 string Example: 2023-11-14T23:39:39Z